Friday, May 23, 2008

Alien Invasion

Recently, at a farm just outside of New Fluff City, a story has been unfolding. Farmer Ben, a corn grower, was harvesting his corn when he saw some strange lights in the sky. "I then realized they was comin' from some sorta' disk in the sky" the farmer reports"Then, some sorta' light beam came down and started flatt'nin corn don' know what. It looked like it was at about 20,000 feet when it dropped two objects-I couldn't tell what they were at the time. Now, it looked like they were comin' right toward me, so I just ran." The Bomb Squad has revealed that in fact, the two objects that fell from the sky appear to be cylinders, made of an unknown transparent substance. At the base of the cylinders there seems to be some sort of control pad that has markings that match no known language. Wha...! THIS JUST IN! Each cylinder contains a Fluffy-trapped inside a gel-like substance! Cryptologists are on the scene, along with the local Fire Department to try to break the fluffies out. Measures have been made also to contact Cryptozoologists and UFOlogists. Further reports as events warrant.   

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