Sunday, April 27, 2008

Antarctic Sea Monster

In the News, an attack on the Fluffemon Olympic Cruise Ship has been reported. The ship was on its voyage back, when a giant fin sunk the ship. The supposed Antarctic Sea Monster! 183 of its 200 passengers made it to the lifeboats. 17 were lost. Three days after, when the Fluffemon Coast Guard had reached the attack site, the stranded Fluffies were 
found, tired and hungry. At the St. Fluffus Hospital in the mainland, 65 fluffies were treated for dehydration and starvation. Fluffy, one of those admitted, says the following-"This tragic turn of events has given me a different view on life. Those who died will be remembered." The Coast Guard and Department of Fluffland Security, along with the Federal Fluffemon Government has issued this statment:"The Department of Flufftown Security will neither confirm nor deny the existence of an Antarctic Sea Monster." They have also admitted this warning:"Do not enter the Antarctic area. Any unauthorized transportation vehicles will be dealt with using lethal action if necessary. Sea Monster photo curtsey of

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