Saturday, November 17, 2007

The Fluffemon Olympics

After a long time on board after their departure from America on November 01, the Fluffemon Olympics teams have finally reached the site; Antarctica.

Although the Olympics already started on the Polo Cruise Ship 544, the fluffies have been trying out for the Chess Contest, the Pie Contest and the Math Squad Contest.

We have winners for these contests.
The Award for the Chess Contest goes to Katty
The Award for the Pie Contest goes to Cool Dude and Apple Pie
The Award for the Math Squad Contest goes to Fluffy

If all goes well for the team and THE ANTARCTIC SEA MONSTER doesn't attack them, we might see more results soon.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Fluffy Hostage

Following the hostage crime links, there must be a solution to keep the crimes from happening. Policeman John Burte says that the subject could be apprehended after more investigation in local crime spots. Reviews conclude that the criminal/s is targeting Fluffies living at Flufftown Rd. especially those who do not expect a theft.

Though the series of events has calmed down, the inconclusive search for evidence is crucial to finding the point of the crimes.

Fluffy, one of the worried Fluffies on Flufftown Road, says, "If we are to be attacked, there is no other prevention but to apprehend the subject, or leave."
The mayor also worries that wide news outspread could leave a mark in Flufftown that could be irreversable.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Recovered Hostage

Joe Bob, one of the Fluffies recently taken hostage on a  blackboard, has recovered from being stretched 5 times his own length, has finally accepted an interview with the press:
Reporter: Do you remember anything about your kidnapper?
Joe Bob: No. I only remember the chloroform soaked rag put over my mouth, and waking up in the hospital in great pain.
Reporter: Do you think the doctors put you back together nicely?
Joe Bob: Yes, though I have felt a bit taller lately.
Reporter: If the criminal is caught, do you intend to press charges?
Joe Bob: Yes!
Look for more interviews with Joe Bob, and updates on this story.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Fluffemon Olympics

Everybody is excited for this event. The Fluffemon Olympics will start in Antartica, on November 01. To endure the cold temperatures, be sure to wear a warm thick Fluffemon Jacket. Fluffemon merchendise is available at the remote dealer not so far away. To start warming up, get merchendise at the Fluffemon Store on your closest planet.

Global Conference

Recently, the hostage crisis has ceased in a close elementary school.
A worldwide conference will include national representatives and will chose the solution to the crimes. Our national representative, John F. Kennedy will be in the 2007 conference next month. He will be the first former dead president to attend the United Nations conference in November. Thomas Jefferson is also arriving in the Japan conference room to sign the Declaration of Worldwide Independence. Other members of the Continental Congress are coming. Including George Washington, who has waited almost 300 years for the speech and will offer suggestions to the waiting population. For now, wait for more updates.

Hostage Scheme


Recently, after a school janitor service, public school janitor Lad Bakinbridge of Williamsburg school found a backbreaking crime taking place involving a few fluffies taken hostage on a black board paper. Luckily, Bakinbridge called the police to investigate the scene. The officials recognized the crime to have been done by reckless elementary students. More evidence makes claims that it was NOT the students nor the janitor. It was the public school teacher who had taken the cottonballs hostage for an evil educative science experiment. The teacher was arrested afterwards.

Fluffachu, one of the lucky survivors recalls a chloroform napkin being smudged across his face. The next thing he knew, he was attached to a peice of paper as a cumulus cloud.
"It was a horrible disaster not only for the hostages, but for our kind and public awareness as a whole!" recalls Slim Jim, one of the investigators. Further attempts to unmask the gangster revealed one fluffy that was stretched 5 times it's own length across the paper as a stratus cloud. The victim is now under good custody by the local hospital. But the fatal reports of hostage crimes around the universe have recalled global awareness. Are we to split up into different paths, or are we to unite as a whole to stop the disaster?

Thursday, September 20, 2007

In the Future...

By applepie and Wheelz,

In the future, we will have ingenious inventions that will improve our daily life. Cars in the future will fly. One thing that's certain is that they will be powered differently. Carbon emissions are destroying our earth. One thing we can do is change our fuel to hydrogen, with no carbon emissions. Speculatory technical progress shows that early flying cars will have 4 jet engines placed evenly on each side. GPS systems will control the car which hovers directly above normal ground roads. Another thing that is destroying our atmosphere is our electrical usage in our homes and apartments. In the future, your home will probably be powered by geothermal, solar, and hydro energy. Planting grass on your rooftop will collect toilet water (A.K.A. dew), and water for other appliances. You can also collect energy from solar panels on your rooftop. Our food in the future will be more artificial than ever. Ranging from genetically modified fruits and vegetables to cow meat, the cows having beed added more growth hormones and chemicals never imagined. But, no one has actually proven that these foods are 100% normal and nutrient proficient. Isn't that weird? People wonder, will we ever colonize Mars? And, is it beneficial? We are probably not going to have a vacation to a 4 star hotel on Mars in our lifetime, but it's possible. Also, we can turn Mars into a second Earth. Probably in 1000 years, we can generate enough emissions to thin out Mars' ozone layer and create an Earth-like atmosphere. But why? I can name 3 reasons, overpopulation on Earth, too much global warming on Earth, and for no reason at all. In the future, if you fall off a 3 story building, a chemical in your blood will freeze your vital organs without killing them. This way, they will shut down without being permanently rendered inactive. Also, there will be a small electrical conveniences in your clothes which will tell medical operators your identity and about your injury. They will send a flying ambulance equipped with a crew and emergency appliances to you. They will mend broken bones and organs in your body; as much as they can to revive you and keep you alive. How fast will you drive in the future? Probably as fast as you want. Anyway, most cars by then will be controlled withought a steering wheel. So I'd guess the average speed is about 100 miles per hour. Since cars are controlled by the internet in the future, there will be no traffic jams unless if the internet crashes. You can actually trust that the automated school bus will take you or your child safely to school. Holographs are very different. They are not on a screen or wall. They are floating. However, holographs are not a new idea. They have been around for a couple of years. Today's holographs are only flat sheets. The holograph is basically a 3D of flat sheet of mist that has something projected onto it. 2007's holograph is still majorly low-tech. You will soon see stunning 3D holographs in your sity or town in about 10-20 years. That's practically the end, whether that's also a speculation or not.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Insight on Architecture

By Wheelz,

Above, the view of the Burj Dubai over the skyline, recently passing over the height of the tallest man-made structure in the world, the CN Tower, which held the record since 1976. The Burj Dubai continues to stretch higher, making it the tallest man made structure ever attempted to create. You can also look at the other buildings around it, meaning new large structures will soon attempt to create an ancient city into a modern wonder. Burj Dubai brings a lot of commerce to parts of the city, having been re-illustrated. At first nobody knew about the tropical wonder of Dubai. It makes me wonder why so many commercial industries made it here. Unfortunately, big cities lie on coastal areas. It's not bad, because it's beautifully tempting. But in the future, there will be flooding. Millions of people will live in these areas, cramming the coast. Once Antartica melts, the whole project is done for. It's a thing to think about. There's always a price to pay. For instance, there must be a trapdoor in a land of promises. Burj Dubai is amazing. It's design, construction, enough said. Also, recently, Dubai surpassed the height of Taipei 101. I don't like the architecture of Taipei 101. I definitely like the damper idea, but the outside looks like... I can't explain. All I can say about it however is that you can't try to fit too much traditional work into a modern piece. The definition of modern is something futuristic. Futuristic means something not like anything else. Something that is conspicous to our world is futuristic. So far, I like the Burj Dubai the best. I put down my trust in the Freedom Tower because they changed the design. I totally liked the previous one. The new design looks to much like a rectangular prism. All buildings are like rectangular prisms right? As I said earlier, something that is conspicous to our world is futuristic, so we have to take one step forward and think of something new.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Amber Trees

I have written a story called Amber Trees that I would like to share with you. For now, it will be posted a bit at a time on one of my other pages,  Amber Trees. So, take the link to it to read my story.

Friday, September 7, 2007

Go Macs!

I'll get to the point. Mac computers are faster. They are one piece! IBMs (Dell, Windows, and all those other brands that aren't Macs) have the moniter and that other big chunk of computer (I don't know the name of it since I have a mac). A Mac has all that stuff in an IBM and more in one, reasonably sized piece. Macs also have cool extra things, like Dashboard, one click, and you are in a personalized space with all kinds of cool "Widgets" like a dictionary, calculator, and other things. The way you personalize it is by downloading all kinds of widgets from You can have games, right on the screen and so many other things that I don't want to go on, and on about. This company created the iPod and iPhone too. To learn much more you can go to or visit various apple stores where you can test the products.(While still in the store.)

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Fluffemon User Manual

Hi! I'm Wheelz. I'm about to ask Apple Pie and 21st Century Observer something. I think it's time to re-create the first classic Fluffemon card, Fluffachu. Fluffemon was based on a trading card game. In order to do this, we'll have to look at a computer copy of the fluffemon card.
When collecting these cards, players analyze their basic elements like a certain kind of power for instance, Fluffachu has 500 power.

Fluffachu is simple and therefore he has no special effects, but he does have a high power level. Other fluffemons can have special effects, like the Fluffreak has this damage ratio.
Squashes fluff with powerful blades. Squashes 2 Fluffemons. Damage: 100
For first timers, you'll probably be asking, what is a fluffy. First of all and last of all, a fluffy is a cottonball, and that is all you'll need to know.
Also for first timers, the name of this website is Fluffemon Times. What does that mean? Fluffemon Times is sort of a newsletter that is given out to subscribers. Such as you. The first issues came out with new fluffy trading card announcements. Like, lets say "Freakish Boy" was developed, we would have it on the front page. Since this isn't the actual newsletter, lets stay basic. So welcome to Fluffemon Times!

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

My Blog

This Blog is about my newsletter, Fluffemon Times. What is a Fluffemon? It is a tiny, imaginary, doodle. Now, you are probably wondering, "Why did that person name their newsletter after a doodle. I named my newsletter after Fluffemons (Also known as a Fluffy or Fluffies) because I didn't know what to name my newsletter, and I thought it was a good enough name.
Hope you like the other things you see!