Friday, September 7, 2007

Go Macs!

I'll get to the point. Mac computers are faster. They are one piece! IBMs (Dell, Windows, and all those other brands that aren't Macs) have the moniter and that other big chunk of computer (I don't know the name of it since I have a mac). A Mac has all that stuff in an IBM and more in one, reasonably sized piece. Macs also have cool extra things, like Dashboard, one click, and you are in a personalized space with all kinds of cool "Widgets" like a dictionary, calculator, and other things. The way you personalize it is by downloading all kinds of widgets from You can have games, right on the screen and so many other things that I don't want to go on, and on about. This company created the iPod and iPhone too. To learn much more you can go to or visit various apple stores where you can test the products.(While still in the store.)

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