Thursday, September 20, 2007

In the Future...

By applepie and Wheelz,

In the future, we will have ingenious inventions that will improve our daily life. Cars in the future will fly. One thing that's certain is that they will be powered differently. Carbon emissions are destroying our earth. One thing we can do is change our fuel to hydrogen, with no carbon emissions. Speculatory technical progress shows that early flying cars will have 4 jet engines placed evenly on each side. GPS systems will control the car which hovers directly above normal ground roads. Another thing that is destroying our atmosphere is our electrical usage in our homes and apartments. In the future, your home will probably be powered by geothermal, solar, and hydro energy. Planting grass on your rooftop will collect toilet water (A.K.A. dew), and water for other appliances. You can also collect energy from solar panels on your rooftop. Our food in the future will be more artificial than ever. Ranging from genetically modified fruits and vegetables to cow meat, the cows having beed added more growth hormones and chemicals never imagined. But, no one has actually proven that these foods are 100% normal and nutrient proficient. Isn't that weird? People wonder, will we ever colonize Mars? And, is it beneficial? We are probably not going to have a vacation to a 4 star hotel on Mars in our lifetime, but it's possible. Also, we can turn Mars into a second Earth. Probably in 1000 years, we can generate enough emissions to thin out Mars' ozone layer and create an Earth-like atmosphere. But why? I can name 3 reasons, overpopulation on Earth, too much global warming on Earth, and for no reason at all. In the future, if you fall off a 3 story building, a chemical in your blood will freeze your vital organs without killing them. This way, they will shut down without being permanently rendered inactive. Also, there will be a small electrical conveniences in your clothes which will tell medical operators your identity and about your injury. They will send a flying ambulance equipped with a crew and emergency appliances to you. They will mend broken bones and organs in your body; as much as they can to revive you and keep you alive. How fast will you drive in the future? Probably as fast as you want. Anyway, most cars by then will be controlled withought a steering wheel. So I'd guess the average speed is about 100 miles per hour. Since cars are controlled by the internet in the future, there will be no traffic jams unless if the internet crashes. You can actually trust that the automated school bus will take you or your child safely to school. Holographs are very different. They are not on a screen or wall. They are floating. However, holographs are not a new idea. They have been around for a couple of years. Today's holographs are only flat sheets. The holograph is basically a 3D of flat sheet of mist that has something projected onto it. 2007's holograph is still majorly low-tech. You will soon see stunning 3D holographs in your sity or town in about 10-20 years. That's practically the end, whether that's also a speculation or not.

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