Monday, October 27, 2008

Alien Invasion (Continued)


New report on the status of the Fluffemon cylinders. It has been confirmed that the two Fluffies in the clear cylinders are actually ALIVE in a state of deep suspended animation. The gelatinous substance they are in, previously thought to provide corpses with nutrients to preserve them, is speculated to be connected to the suspended animation. These cylinders are now in an undisclosed government facility. Further posts as events warrant.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Alien Invasion (continued)

Previously, a New Fluff City farmer had discovered two extraterrestrial cylinders dropped by an unidentified flying object. More research has shown two fluffies inside the cylinders. The fluffy government has transferred the cylinders to a hospital sector and a surgical professional has been working at opening the cylinders. The surgeon's tools were much to fragile for the hard outer covering, so the surgeon gave up. The government had decided to sue the surgeon after scanning the cylinders with a bone density scanner with the courtesy of New Fluff City Hospital because the goo covering the fluffies was of an extremely low density. The surgeon said the casing of the goo was extremely hard to penetrate, but the inside was an easier task. Officials say the goo is a bacterial substance that supplies the corpse with nutrients and dries if it is exposed to oxygen. The government argued to bomb the outer casing, but the scientific division of New Fluff City says bombing the casing will risk the health of the contents inside.

More news coming soon!

Friday, May 23, 2008

Alien Invasion

Recently, at a farm just outside of New Fluff City, a story has been unfolding. Farmer Ben, a corn grower, was harvesting his corn when he saw some strange lights in the sky. "I then realized they was comin' from some sorta' disk in the sky" the farmer reports"Then, some sorta' light beam came down and started flatt'nin corn don' know what. It looked like it was at about 20,000 feet when it dropped two objects-I couldn't tell what they were at the time. Now, it looked like they were comin' right toward me, so I just ran." The Bomb Squad has revealed that in fact, the two objects that fell from the sky appear to be cylinders, made of an unknown transparent substance. At the base of the cylinders there seems to be some sort of control pad that has markings that match no known language. Wha...! THIS JUST IN! Each cylinder contains a Fluffy-trapped inside a gel-like substance! Cryptologists are on the scene, along with the local Fire Department to try to break the fluffies out. Measures have been made also to contact Cryptozoologists and UFOlogists. Further reports as events warrant.   

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Antarctic Sea Monster

In the News, an attack on the Fluffemon Olympic Cruise Ship has been reported. The ship was on its voyage back, when a giant fin sunk the ship. The supposed Antarctic Sea Monster! 183 of its 200 passengers made it to the lifeboats. 17 were lost. Three days after, when the Fluffemon Coast Guard had reached the attack site, the stranded Fluffies were 
found, tired and hungry. At the St. Fluffus Hospital in the mainland, 65 fluffies were treated for dehydration and starvation. Fluffy, one of those admitted, says the following-"This tragic turn of events has given me a different view on life. Those who died will be remembered." The Coast Guard and Department of Fluffland Security, along with the Federal Fluffemon Government has issued this statment:"The Department of Flufftown Security will neither confirm nor deny the existence of an Antarctic Sea Monster." They have also admitted this warning:"Do not enter the Antarctic area. Any unauthorized transportation vehicles will be dealt with using lethal action if necessary. Sea Monster photo curtsey of

Saturday, January 26, 2008


Saturday, November 17, 2007

The Fluffemon Olympics

After a long time on board after their departure from America on November 01, the Fluffemon Olympics teams have finally reached the site; Antarctica.

Although the Olympics already started on the Polo Cruise Ship 544, the fluffies have been trying out for the Chess Contest, the Pie Contest and the Math Squad Contest.

We have winners for these contests.
The Award for the Chess Contest goes to Katty
The Award for the Pie Contest goes to Cool Dude and Apple Pie
The Award for the Math Squad Contest goes to Fluffy

If all goes well for the team and THE ANTARCTIC SEA MONSTER doesn't attack them, we might see more results soon.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Fluffy Hostage

Following the hostage crime links, there must be a solution to keep the crimes from happening. Policeman John Burte says that the subject could be apprehended after more investigation in local crime spots. Reviews conclude that the criminal/s is targeting Fluffies living at Flufftown Rd. especially those who do not expect a theft.

Though the series of events has calmed down, the inconclusive search for evidence is crucial to finding the point of the crimes.

Fluffy, one of the worried Fluffies on Flufftown Road, says, "If we are to be attacked, there is no other prevention but to apprehend the subject, or leave."
The mayor also worries that wide news outspread could leave a mark in Flufftown that could be irreversable.