Saturday, November 17, 2007

The Fluffemon Olympics

After a long time on board after their departure from America on November 01, the Fluffemon Olympics teams have finally reached the site; Antarctica.

Although the Olympics already started on the Polo Cruise Ship 544, the fluffies have been trying out for the Chess Contest, the Pie Contest and the Math Squad Contest.

We have winners for these contests.
The Award for the Chess Contest goes to Katty
The Award for the Pie Contest goes to Cool Dude and Apple Pie
The Award for the Math Squad Contest goes to Fluffy

If all goes well for the team and THE ANTARCTIC SEA MONSTER doesn't attack them, we might see more results soon.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Fluffy Hostage

Following the hostage crime links, there must be a solution to keep the crimes from happening. Policeman John Burte says that the subject could be apprehended after more investigation in local crime spots. Reviews conclude that the criminal/s is targeting Fluffies living at Flufftown Rd. especially those who do not expect a theft.

Though the series of events has calmed down, the inconclusive search for evidence is crucial to finding the point of the crimes.

Fluffy, one of the worried Fluffies on Flufftown Road, says, "If we are to be attacked, there is no other prevention but to apprehend the subject, or leave."
The mayor also worries that wide news outspread could leave a mark in Flufftown that could be irreversable.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Recovered Hostage

Joe Bob, one of the Fluffies recently taken hostage on a  blackboard, has recovered from being stretched 5 times his own length, has finally accepted an interview with the press:
Reporter: Do you remember anything about your kidnapper?
Joe Bob: No. I only remember the chloroform soaked rag put over my mouth, and waking up in the hospital in great pain.
Reporter: Do you think the doctors put you back together nicely?
Joe Bob: Yes, though I have felt a bit taller lately.
Reporter: If the criminal is caught, do you intend to press charges?
Joe Bob: Yes!
Look for more interviews with Joe Bob, and updates on this story.